Camp Above The Limit 2009

Leave No Trace!

Above The Limit is a multi-year LNT award-winning camp, and we're serious about leaving the playa in great condition after the event.

(We also spend time cleaning up the playa in the off season as well.)

We learned the hard way in 2014 that unless every single camp member pitches in and works hard to clean up everything, we don't do the right thing. We're changing a lot as a result of those lessons. Here’s our Leave No Trace Plan

Before The Event

Prior to departure for Black Rock, all camp members will read and agree to the following:

  2. We will designate an LNT Director who is ultimately responsible for insuring camp cleanliness.
  3. We will make use of materials for our camp that lessen waste, and where possible are easily compactable, recyclable, or reusable.
  4. We'll use reusable containers to transport our gear and supplies to the playa.
  5. We won't bring too much food, because we REALLY won't feel like cooking.
  6. We will avoid the use of any materials containing flimsy paper, sequins, feathers, or other small materials that can shed onto the playa.
  7. We will leave about 8 cubic feet of empty space (2’x2’x2’=8’) in every vehicle on the way to the desert so that it may be used for trash on the return.
  8. We will check all vehicles for oil or other leaks before departing for the playa.
  9. We will use oil pans under every vehicle while parked on the playa.
  10. We will follow our daily assigned schedule in each zone and for the overall camp to patrol and cleanup.
  11. We will use our waste and recycle facilities to capture, store, and transport refuse.
  12. We will deploy and use advanced gray water evaporation facilities for liquid waste to minimize spillage of liquids onto the playa.
  13. We will follow our breakdown/cleanup plans to remove all materials we bring to the playa.
  14. We will conduct a final departure sweep and inspection of every square foot of our camp to leave no trace.
  15. We will once again attain our green rating post-event.

All camp members agree to be personally and collectively responsible to Leave No Trace at our campsite as a condition of participation in Above The Limit.

At Camp

To minimize our impact on the playa, we will follow these rules:

  1. We will clean as we go, realizing that any trash or MOOP (matter out of place) can blow away or be buried at any moment.
  2. We will follow our daily assigned schedule for MOOP patrol and cleanup in each zone and for the overall camp.
  3. We will use our waste and recycle facilities to capture, store, and transport refuse.
  4. We will keep our recyclables, burnables, and non-burnables separated for easier disposal or recycling.
  5. We will use gray water evaporation facilities for liquid waste to minimize spillage of liquids onto the playa.
  6. We will take care of any trash left by our guests, invited or otherwise.
  7. We will tie down every tent and structure with cord and rebar stakes.
  8. We will keep all items tied or weighted down to prevent them from blowing away.
  9. We will recheck each vehicle on the playa for oil or other leaks. The owner of any vehicle found to be leaking will install drip pans and/or tarps to contain the leaks.
  10. We will encourage guests in our camp to use their own cups, glasses, and utensils.
  11. We will bring our own cups, glasses, and utensils when visiting other camps.
  12. We won't light fires on bare ground, leaving scars.
  13. We will use a public burn barrel or burn platform for any burnable materials and follow the safety guidelines for fires and burn scar prevention.
  14. We'll have self contained BBQ units for cooking that won't leave any ash or waste behind.
  15. We won't dig holes more than 3 inches in diameter or trenches that scar the playa.
  16. We will pack out everything we bring in that is not burned in a public burn barrel.
  17. We will NEVER put any trash into the port-o-potties or leave any trash near the potties. If it doesn't come out of our bodies, it won't go in the potties.

On Departure From Camp

  1. We will follow our breakdown/cleanup plans to remove all materials we bring to the playa.
  2. The last group to leave each camp zone will conduct a final departure inspection of every square foot of the zone and will remove any MOOP found.
  3. The last group to leave the camp will conduct a final departure sweep and full inspection of every square foot of our camp, crossing each square foot of the camp both left to right and up to down. This group will remove any MOOP found so that on departure, we will leave no trace.

The Man Burns in 00 Days!

Website design by Alex J. Schneider